Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Attention Men!! The Director is Speaking!

My name is Peta Maidman and I am directing this production of “Dad’s Army” which is such a joy as where else could you get away with telling a large group of men what to do?!

We haven’t had a long rehearsal run but the cast have all done a magnificent job of learning their lines and special mention must go to Steve Dobson aka Lance Corporal Jones who was the first with his book down!

Casting a play with such familiar characters courtesy of television is tricky since there is a fine line between parodying the television series and allowing performers to bring their own interpretation of the character to the stage. I know that we have achieved this critical balance with just enough deference to the well-loved characters from the television series to bring back some fond memories for you.
There are three “episodes” in total: “Deadly Attachment”, (Don't Tell Him Pike) “Mum’s Army” and “TheGodiva Affair” which provide a brilliantly contrasting set of stories for you to enjoy and allow the ladies to step to the fore as well. Poor Captain Mainwaring blunders his way through the all plots in his usual fashion, ably supported by his troops.

There have been many moments during rehearsal for Dads Army when we’ve all collapsed with laughter thanks to the brilliant writing (and, of course, acting) and it’s hard to restrain ourselves from joining in with the immortal lines such as “stupid boy!”

On a slightly more serious note, we are supporting two charities with this production; Help for Heroes and the SBSA (Special Boat Service Association) who both do tremendous work in supporting members of the armed forces and their families who are in need. So come along, have a great time and support two brilliant causes!

Peta x

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